Tater Worm ( worst project ever )
Top Loved Game
A top loved game that has recently been featured on the platform, garnering a lot of attention and views.
Press the space bar for a delightful surprise in this engaging game.
This game falls under the category of casual and fun games, perfect for a quick play.
#games #trending #art #potato #worm #taters
Notes and Credits
Discovered on July 25th, this game has been reshared and is currently trending. Original game link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1048710441/ The laughing cat character is from 'Kick Your Enemy'. Tater character designed by @hambager.
Call to Action
Follow the creator for more exciting content and consider advertising if you're looking to promote your own game. Wouldn't it be great if everyone who sees this follows the creator? Let's aim for 1k followers!